Monday, April 4, 2011

Tithing Veggies

We tithe off our gross (doesn’t everybody) but that also now has expanded to our crops. Now I know we live in town and we only have a small garden however those really bad storms in central Florida that you heard about on the news last week took out most of our plants. So now the angels in heaven are eating some lettuce with onions, carrots...they also have enough cabbage to make some amazing coleslaw. C’est la vie!

It was an interesting weekend over all. David had a bit of a set back which caused some friction. All in all things got done like the lawn mowed, pool cleaned, garden weeded and the like.

Ash and Ketchup had an amazing time at prom, which was held at the Phoenix Zoo. Seriously, how cool is that. He also filled out his Air Force paperwork over the weekend. He hopes to join and get into Pararescue. A noble cause if I ever heard one.

Yesterday we joined a new church. I terribly miss our old one but it is to far away to travel per David and the kids so now we have a new church home. Some of the nice things about it are it is small so we can get to know everyone, they have service opportunities, Sunday school, and I’ve joined the choir. So it does have its upsides.

Well, off to replant, again, some veggie seeds. At this rate the garden will be ready to harvest at Christmas if at all.

Please join us in our prayers that David does better, the children finish school strong and the veggies make it this time. We cherish each one of you and your prayers.


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