Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bad Dreams

Wow, finally the migraine is gone. This one lasted over 57 hours. Now I just feel like I was run over by a choo-choo. I haven’t had one this bad since the first weekend of December.

I had horrible dreams last night. The worst was that David died while on an outing with the children and Seth who was in shock was trying to explain to me over the phone while my cell kept cutting in and out. I couldn’t find them to send help. 

I woke up gasping for air and crying to find David beside me. I put my head on his pillow and snuggled in tight. Praising God it was only a bad dream and thanking Him I won’t have to experience those feeling for real for a long time to come. Listening to the rhythm of his breath I fell back to sleep.

Now it’s five am and I feel hung over from all the sleep and Tresimax I’ve had the past two and a half days. I think I’ll hit the gym today. I haven’t gone in a month and miss it.

The one thing I’ve heard over and over is that being the caretaker I have to take care of myself first. Like being on a plane and putting the O2 mask on so I can help the others around me without passing out. I am a natural helper so I really need to take that to heart.

I have some R&R coming though. Tomorrow we are picking up my Sister-in-love, Donna, from the airport. I am so excited she is coming to visit. Kenny and Donna have been amazingly supportive. I cannot think of anyone better to be on our team David.

I feel a mannie/peddie coming our way.

I’m reading The 36-Hour Day (you can find it on the right hand side of the blog) on my Nook. Boy is it right on. In a way it makes me sad but in a way it is refreshing the way it explains to a tee what we are going through. The mood swings and confusion are explained eloquently. I recommend it to family and friends who want to know more about what is in store for us. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh we do have so much in common! I am a migraine girl also! I have had them for over 25 years! Actually as I have gotten older, they have gotten a bit better! Also, my hubs also has the CPAP machine! At first the Dr's thought maybe the sleep problems were causing his memory problems...but as we both no that was not the case. Glad your migraine is better, you sister in love is coming and your dream was just that.....a bad dream!
    Praying for you!
