Monday, February 7, 2011


On Friday we went to another one of David’s Doctors. She wants us to see a specialist that deals in complex cases for a second opinion on the conflicting results. We find out this week if that means Shands or if we are going on a trek to Miami.

Friday was a wonderful last day with Donna. Shop, Shop, Shop. Our kids had a ball with her.

Someone had mentioned that David take walks around the neighborhood or our yard. So I thought it would help to spray paint a squiggly line in an oval in the side yard. We need to mow.

It was sad to take Donna to the airport. It was 76 degrees when I dropped her off and she landed to 34 degrees. Air travel fascinates me.

Sunday was filled with church, emptying bins and cleaning the garage.  I forgot there was a floor in there. It’s a good thing I was good at Tetris in my early years. Who said video games don’t help in real life? Speaking of video games Donna got us all addicted to Pocket Frogs.

Oh last night. The way it works in our house is the kids and David root for the team playing against the Steelers just to get a rise out of me. Next year we will win it all.

Please pray for wisdom of David’s medical team.

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