David and I were sitting on the back porch Sunday afternoon talking about the possibility of a promotion he is up for. It would significantly increase his pay and our ability to get back on track. He stated that he would like to take the kids on a nice vacation next year. With him out two months and me just starting a new job we are resigned to the fact that this summers vacation will be reduced to weekend trips and theme parks.
I reminded him we did take a very nice vacation last summer. His response was that we didn’t we just went to visit family in Alabama. So I asked him to think. It took him about three minutes with prodding and some frustration to remember we rented a cabin outside of Gatlinburg, TN.
It was a nice vacation. We went up a gondola, zip lined, white water rafting, the boys caught crawfish in the creek and cooked them up and my favorite was Megan and I had a spa day.
He also had a hard time remembering that last weekend was Easter and we didn’t clean the pool much to my chagrin. With the heat it was a mess and needed a good cleaning, shock and an algae treatment yesterday.
I found out Friday that he hasn’t been taking all of his medications. It is a family trait. His family doesn’t necessary believe in going to the doctors and taking medications much to my dismay. He did go Friday and got an antibiotic and some codeine cough medicine for his sinus infection, finally, after a threat from me to call 911 fro his excessive vomiting and lack of breathing soundly.
Anyway he hadn’t been taking what he needed so I went and bought two medication holders. You know the ones that go from Sunday – Saturday. With his kidney anti-rejection meds he needed big ones. One is for morning, I told him to think Christ has risen in the morning so it’s purple. The other one is for the sunsets and how mad I make him throughout the day so it’s red. :) Plus I picked up refills for what he was out of.
So, now I can keep on top of it. One of the medications had an immediate effect and he stayed awake Saturday and Sunday without naps. That is huge for him. He played with the kids and stayed on top of his sugars. Now maybe we will see the turnaround we have been praying for. I hope so.
Please join us in our prayers that David gets the job God has in mind for him, the children finish the school year strong, Ash does well in track and my sister-in-love, family and all get back to normal after the horrible storms in Alabama.